Individual Therapy for Teens

Speaking across two languages.

Are parents annoying you again? They just don’t get it, do they?

You will be surprised how much they get it; they just don’t know how to explain it well. They don’t speak teenager, and you don’t speak adult.

I am great at interpreting teenager and adult, and this opens a line of communication.

But we won’t speak to parents until you’re ready.

Don’t freak out! I don’t help parents and kids speak to each other right away.

I’m 100% your secret keeper. I want to help you with your feelings that you don’t know how to explain. Sometimes, all the drama going on at school and home cause anxiety and depression.

Most teens are too scared to talk to their parents/guardians about what is going through their mind. Then, they keep everything bottled up and ready to explode.

Ever heard your parents say that you have a bad attitude? That’s part of it.

It’s about hearing and understanding.

I want to hear about all the problems with friends, boyfriends/girlfriends, parents, bullies, and just anything that causes you problems.

I want to give you a way to explain your thoughts and feelings, so you can communicate with those around you and make your relationships better.

Most importantly, I want you to understand yourself.

Cheesy? Perhaps, but it is the truth.

The right skills can lead to understanding.

Show me your drawings, let me see your poetry, or hear your stories. I enjoy these things as well.

These are great skills to have, and I can teach you how to use these to better yourself. We can even use movies and games to build skills.

Not all our conversations have to be serious all the time. We can have 30 minutes of great movie conversations. There are lessons to learn from movies and TV. Sometimes, there is a character to whom you can relate, and using them is the best way to explain what is on your mind.

Here’s an example of how movie conversations can help.

My client stated: “I feel like Loki sometimes. My brother and I don’t get along. He is the good one, and I’m not. I’m so angry all the time. I just don’t care! My parents are so stupid. They don’t get it. I don’t have friends. I feel better just being in my room.”

Well, at least my client wasn’t looking for galaxy domination like Loki, but there are some similarities.

Is there a character to whom you can relate?

Let’s explore this. I want to help you be the better version of yourself.

Let me help you get this stuff sorted out.

Get your parents to call (865) 245-0911 to set up a free consultation, but I want to talk to you by yourself as well.