Individual Therapy for Adults

Sometimes, it’s hard to wear the cape.

Nonstop responsibilities plague adults. Every day, responsibilities cause stress that in turn causes anxiety or depression.

This doesn’t include extra circumstances or issues that may come up to interrupt our lives.

Men and women alike believe that they must wear a super cape to withstand all the stressors around them.

Many days putting on the super cape is exhausting, or you don’t want to do it.

Yet, if you don’t, more stress occurs aggravating the anxiety and depression.

Great powers are not always so great.

It is so hard to be an adult. I know I didn’t imagine that being an adult would cause so many problems and require me to solve just as many.

As a child, I thought being an adult would be great with wonderful freedom. You know what I’m talking about! Stay up as late as you want, eat what you want, go anywhere you want, no one telling you what to do, and eating ice cream for breakfast.

Well, these statements may be true, but to quote the uncle in Spiderman, “With great powers comes great responsibility.” Freedom is a great power. Sometimes, skills are needed to be able to maneuver successfully or harness this great power.

We have responsibilities that go with this power as well as consequences. One of the biggest responsibilities that we have is that we can’t stop “adulting.” Adults have a purpose. And to choose to stop being that means to lose one’s purpose.

This also aggravates depression and some anxiety.

Take the cape off or put it on?

Depression tells you to take off the cape; you can’t do everything.

Anxiety tells you to keep the cape on and that you must remain strong no matter what. That’s putting it lightly.

The high anxiety days confuse, and then you forget how to put the cape on. The mind is racing with difficulty focusing.

Do we need to talk about the cape being on backward? I’m kidding.

Even superheroes need help.

Wonder Woman and Superman are part of the Justice League to help fight crime. Harry Potter needed his best friends to fight He who must not be named. Harry admits that he can’t do it alone, though many times he tried to leave on his own. On the religious side, even Jesus had 12 disciples to help him.

Getting help is nothing to be ashamed of or that needs to be avoided. You are asking someone to help you improve your life.

You can try to do it on your own, but not everything can be solved by yourself

Skill is needed to wear the cape.

Many people didn’t have a healthy emotional childhood and weren’t taught the same skills others were taught.

So, you went to the school of Hard Knocks.

Don’t you think it’s time to graduate and learn new skills, perhaps healthier ones that decrease the anxiety and depression?

Remember, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Part of that responsibility is to learn skills that better your life.

Learn to control the power of the cape.

It’s all about learning when it is time to hang up the cape and when it is time to put it back around your shoulders.

Women have this problem of learning when to hang up the cape. It is ok to do it. Yep, I said it. You have permission not to be a Wonder Woman all the time. I want to help you with this skill.

One of the biggest skills I can help you with is your perception. Ever heard the saying, “You are looking through rose-colored glasses?” HA! Not for people with depression. You are looking through dark glasses with very little visibility.

Let me help you clean up those glasses and change your perception. It’s amazing how much better life can be with a little perception change.

Let’s make that cape lighter.

It’s about learning the skills required to know how to wear the cape. Even for adults, life does not need to be a burden.

If you are ready to make a change, give me a call.

As Yoda said, “Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.” Make the change! You are ready.

Call (865) 245-0911 for a free 20-minute consultation.