Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety + Depression = Anger

Let’s put this equation in Southern terms.

You’re as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a roomful of rocking chairs and yet feel lower than a snake’s belly, which ultimately makes you as mad as a wet hen.

Let’s go from this mess to something easier, such as being in hog heaven.

Lying to yourself only makes it worse.

It’s hard to feel happy when your mind will not stop thinking negative thoughts! “Maybe my brain is right. I won’t ever be happy.” Lies, lies, and more lies that you are telling yourself.

With statements like these, the brain dips into a fog or a thick cloud. Depression has settled in for the long run.

It’s time to smile, a real genuine smile, not fake happiness like you have done many times before.

Depression is a terrible place to be.

It impacts you mentally, physically, and emotionally. There are days that depression causes one extreme to the next.

Either lying in bed or sleeping too long or perhaps overeating to nothing at all.

Either way, this is not what you want. These symptoms have secondary consequences as well.

Here’s one client’s story.

My client said, “I’m so tired of being depressed. I sleep all the time, and when I’m awake, I eat everything. Now, I have gained a lot of weight, and it’s causing me to be more depressed. What am I supposed to do?”

“I don’t have energy. I can’t keep living like this. This isn’t living at all. My life has been this way for a long time. In my teenage years, I was depressed because of some stuff that happened, but my parents thought it was just some sort of phase.”

After seeing me, she said, “I have seen a therapist before, and it didn’t help. This time it seems different. You aren’t like others. So anyway, I thought once I left home that I wouldn’t be depressed. I found out that depression just came with me. Here I am. Still depressed, gaining weight, relationship problems, and problems at work.”

Does this client’s story sound familiar? If not you, then you know someone who has experienced this.

Use the right tools to change the equation.

It’s time to get the right tools in your “toolbox” like this client did.

This client’s secondary consequences decreased as she started to use the tools. She was so happy that she practiced the coping skills and used the tools from her “toolbox.”

If you want tools for your toolbox, I can help.

No depression + No Anger = A Happier, Healthier Life

Please call me at (865) 245-0911 for a free 20-minute consultation.